Vuvuzelas, Dress Codes And TV Deals – GPI’s Alex Dreyfus Talks About The New “World Cup Of Poker”

Global Poker Index presents The Global Poker Masters.

We get it Global Poker Index! You’re in it to win it.

There’s the new websites, the new print magazine, Fantasy Poker Manager, the European and American Poker Awards and, of course, the crowning jewel – being the title sponsor for F5Poker’s coverage of the 2014 World Series of Poker (plug!).

Just when everyone thought that the GPI couldn’t handle anymore, that they had reached the peak of Mt. Poker – they announce that they are looking to go mainstream and promote their new Global Poker Masters tournament.

Read: National Teams to Compete in GPI’s New 'World Cup of Poker’

The new event will work a little like this: take the top 4 players in the top 9 countries, invite them to a $10K event where they will compete in a non-traditional series of sit-n-go’s to determine which country is the luckiest on that given day. Plus there’s a $100K added to juice the prize pool. Epic!

Discuss: Check out the Two Plus Two ThreadGPI announces Global Poker Masters

We talked with GPI’s Alex Dreyfus very briefly about his new creation earlier today:

F5: So you say this is like the World Cup of Poker?

AD: It’s actually the “Rest of the World, versus the Germans’s Cup”

F5: Like the World Cup does for soccer/football, do you think this event will bring out a new breed of 'poker hooligans’?

AD: Actually, one thing I want to do, is a dress code for the play. To have, for once, people a bit dressed up for the competition.

F5: What if Matt Salsberg is at the top of the GPI? That could be a tall order, the dude is really good but likes to keep it extremely casual.

AD: That will be part of the show. But there is no chance that he [Matt] is, so we are on the safe side.

F5: You have PokerNews covering the event, they’ll live stream it too…but are any plans for it to be televised, in the US or in Europe? An edited version?

AD: Pokernews is, as always, our premium partner but its gonna be streamed, hopefully, from a lot of others websites. In terms of TV, it is too early to tell. It’s a long journey to make this happen.

F5: F5Poker is going to bring the Vuvuzelas, cool?

AD: As long as I can mute my stream.

F5: Alex…you can only ignore F5 for so long!

Alex hung up on us after that – HE’S BUSY! So there you have it, in the first part of 2015 the world will battle it out for poker supremacy in the new Global Poker Masters!

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published 10 years, 8 months ago • by permalink

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