Profit Sharing – The Depth Of The Backers Percentage

Backing, and being backed is, perhaps, an unspoken, yet integral, part to the grind of tournament poker. Backers putting up money to buy pieces of players’ (horses) buy-ins in exchange for a percentage of any winnings won.

Whether it’s a daily tournament or a $1,000,000 buy-in, obtaining a backer (or backers) can help a player get into a tournament they may not have otherwise played. Of course, if that player makes the money, they don’t take home the whole motherload either.

Read: Daniel Negreanu Spreads The Wealth, Making Money For His Fans

In his recent article over at PokerStrategy, Barry Carter, takes a look at the relationship between backer and horse, examining to what depths the backer deserves his just rewards when the player earns a little extra on the side.

From time to time a backed player earns a seat to another tournament, travel expenses or a trophy with a high dollar value (like a bracelet). How much of that bonus belongs to the backer?

When the bonus is taken from the prize pool itself, I see this as a 100% clear case where the backer should be entitled to the same percentage of any future winnings. Otherwise it would actually mean they were paying a hefty premium for backing them in the first place.

The instance where it was an added value package provided by the event sponsor, there is more room for debate.

So if you are a backer or looking to get backed you need to get your percentages in order before the transfer of cash and Barry takes a look at all the angles.

Read: Should staked players give backers a cut of bonuses?

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call the Virginia Council on Problem Gambling (VACPG) helpline at 1-888-532-3500
published 10 years, 5 months ago • by permalink

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