New Netfilx Film “Win It All” Centred Around Poker

Thanks to a tip on 2+2, the original Netflix film *“Win It All” is now on my to watch list.

Jake Johnson, who currently stars in New Girl, leads the film as gambler Eddie Garrett “who agrees to watch a duffel bag for an acquaintance who is heading to prison. When he discovers cash in the bag, he’s unable to resist the temptation and winds up deeply in debt. When the prison release is shortened, Eddie suddenly has a small window of time to win all the money back.”

Check out the trailer below and you can read The New Yorker’s favourable review here.

published 7 years, 10 months ago • by permalink

Liv Boeree On Why You Shouldn’t Trust Your Gut Instinct

PokerStars Team Pro Liv Boeree has teamed up with to tell us why our gut instinct is not as reliable as we would all like to think and why it shouldn’t be trusted, especially when it comes to poker.

Boeree talks about Nobel-Prize winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman’s explanation of the mind’s two thinking systems: “System 1 which 'is the brain’s fast, automatic, intuitive approach’ and System 2 which is 'the mind’s slower, analytical mode'” and why you’ll need to harness both these systems to become an effective poker player.

Watch Boeree explain, below.

published 7 years, 10 months ago • by permalink

Check Out Alec Torelli’s Life Goals

Now in his 30th year, professional high stakes poker pro, Alec Torelli, tells us what he hopes to achieve in his thirties.

Here he lists his top 5 goals for the next 10 years.

published 7 years, 10 months ago • by permalink