PokerBaazi Ties Up with NGO to Sponsor Education of Underprivileged Girls

One of India’s leading online poker websites, PokerBaazi, has teamed up with Vidya Integrated Development for Youth and Adults (VIDYA), a non-profit organization created for the empowerment and education of less-privileged children and women of society.

The company has stated that it will donate a share of the rake collected during its upcoming online MTT series, PokerBaazi Premier League (PPL) that will be used to sponsor a year’s education for 14 underprivileged girls. The room will be taking care of their education and development, mid-day meals, uniforms and transportation costs. PokerBaazi is looking to grow this list of 14 girls in the coming years.

Since its inception, VIDYA has made a difference in the lives of more than 220,000 families over 33 years, PokerBaazi stated. The non-profit organization comprises of 350 people including a bunch of local and foreign volunteers, teachers and staff and a large circle of committed friends, donors and well-wishers.

In the past, PokerBaazi has joined hands with several non-profit organizations by hosting many charity tournaments and giving a share of the money collected through rake to these organizations.

published 5 years, 11 months ago • by permalink

WATCH: Andrew Neeme Flops Quads in his Latest Poker Vlog

If you are not sure what a poker vlog is, or if you just want to see one of the best poker vloggers at work, check out the latest vlog by Andrew Neeme.

The video is like a trip report from a recent meetup game (with plenty of strategy discussion included) where Neeme and friends gather for a game of Texas Hold’em (actually played in Texas btw). During the game, your host manages to flop Quads.

Check out the vid below, and let us know what you think of this type of poker content.

published 5 years, 11 months ago • by permalink

WATCH: Tonkaaap and Spraggy Battle Heads Up on PokerStars VR

Check out the highlights of this heads up match between Ben “Spraggy” Spragg and Parker “tonkaaaaP” Parker as they tangle on the new PokerStars VR virtual reality game.

Not only is this visually entertaining, but the commentary on both sides definitely adds to the fun. Plus, you can get an idea of what it is like to play the new VR poker game (in case you haven’t been able to try it for yourself already).

published 5 years, 11 months ago • by permalink

Poker Players who Became Mentors and Inspired us Time and Time Again

When you’re a fan of a sport, whether that be motor racing, football or poker, you look to the people in that sport for inspiration in your own lives. Whether that be encouraging you to take up that sport yourself, such as taking an amateur poker hobby into a professional career or just mentoring us in our personal achievements. These sports people are inspirations to us.

Not all inspirational poker stories are based around “rags to riches” with impressive wins, though. The players featured below have helped inspire people in all aspects of their lives and well-being with their stories.

This has never been the case with Felipe Ramos, who has become known as one of the nicest guys in the business – both at and away from the poker table. Recognised for his trademark grin, Ramos isn’t one for ending a match in frustration or angrily jumping out of his chair to leave. Instead, he leaves a loss by shaking his opponents’ hands and sincerely wishing them good luck for their match.

Coming from one of the poorest areas of São Paulo, Ramos has taken himself from the slums to riches but, crucially, he has never let this get to his head. He regularly adds advice and techniques he uses in his poker strategy to his Facebook page, allowing others to better their game.

Such strategy advice is key in poker, whether you’re playing the traditional game against real opponents, or enjoying video poker against a machine online or in a casino. One of the biggest lessons Ramos teaches is patience. For example, it’s important to wait for the better hands while playing Texas Hold’em.

But in video poker you’re playing every hand every time you spin the reels. The patience element in video poker means coming to terms with the fact winners come around rarely, while the elusive, highest-paying royal flush is rarest of all.

You must be patient and not get frustrated. However, this is also one of the joys of video poker – you’re always involved in the action! Find out more about how to play video poker and see for yourself.

Just about every one of us has looked in the mirror at our bodies and wished we looked different. Despite this, many of us never actually implement the changes to our diets and lifestyles in order to see the transformation that we dream of. For Steven van Zadellhoff, this body journey took 10 years to perfect and went hand-in-hand with the various ups and downs in his poker career.

This resulted in yo-yo dieting with successes leading to weight gain due to celebrations and bad times cultivating in over-dieting where he starved himself, which he revealed in a personal blog. By showing us his health in relation to where his career was at that time, van Zadellhoff shows us how emotional eating can be damaging to our health. It wasn’t until he reached 40 that van Zadellhoff finally achieved his dream body, which goes to show, that it doesn’t matter what age we are. If you would like to see positive changes in your body, then get started now.

Age is irrelevant when it comes to our health, meaning it’s never too late to start improving your body. With his open attitude and willingness to share both the good and the bad, van Zadellhoff has become an inspiration for both his poker career and personal life.

A highly successful player in his own right, Tommy Angelo has cemented his name in the Poker Hall of Fame not just for his own successes as a player, but as a coach and mentor to others in the sport. Here he particularly focusses on the mental strategies of the game and how to train your brain to react better. Over the years, Angelo has provided one-to-one coaching services to various professional poker players in the business, with past students including David Benefield, Jay Rosenkrantz and Phil Galfond. As well as personal coaching, Angelo has also authored various poker books and training videos, aimed at amateurs looking to improve their skills and even evolve into the professional ranks.

In particular, Angelo likes to look at how our brains and thought processes work, especially when your mind likes to jump to negative thoughts. In fact, Angelo has become so well-known for his various thought-provoking and inspirational quotes, that he’s even added his own quote section to his website. So, if you’re feeling a little dejected with your poker, have a look through his site or buy one of his books. Just a few alterations to the way we think can really improve both our poker game and our lives in general.

published 5 years, 11 months ago • by permalink