Matt Affleck No Bad Beat, No Cry

McMatto finds victory at LAPC side event.

Matt “McMatto” Affleck is probably best known for taking one of the most vicious televised bad beats in history when his pocket aces sent him packing against eventual 2010 World Series of Poker Main Event Champion Jonathan Duhamel – and then weeping in the halls of the Rio soon thereafter.

Affleck, of course, has since moved on to happier days. Take for instance last night: there were no tears in sight as Matt notched another 5-figure score in one of the side events of the Los Angeles Poker Classic (LAPC). Clad in one of his trademark Seattle sports jerseys, Matt celebrated his new found $20k+ by downing a Corona in his winners photo. How many beers would it take you to forget this:

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published 10 years, 10 months ago • by permalink

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