Televised Poker Taken To Task

Have poker diehards had enough?

Have you been watching the 2014 WSOP on ESPN? Are you pumped up to see the culmination of the November 9?

Turns out, if you answered “no”, you’re not alone.

Here’s a pair of poker pundits who, basically, are “over” the concept of the November Nine and the way ESPN and the WSOP has rolled out the coverage of this year’s Main Event in general.

Over at All In Maagzine Chris Tessaro admits that while he doesn’t have the answer for the next big thing in poker and how to present it, when it comes to the thrill of watching the Nov. 9 after a four month layoff he essentially doesn’t care at all anymore.

Read: Waited Down

The bloom, as they say, is definitely off the rose. And the poker world, as it’s wont to do, has continued to evolve. And perhaps that evolution has rendered the November Nine just a little less relevant.

Joining him in apathy for the broadcast is longtime tournament reporter and respected poker blogger Short-Stacked Shamus (aka Martin Harris) who reluctantly admits that when it comes to WSOP vs. Sunday Night Football, the NFL wins out every time and the much hyped antics of amateur *Curtis Ryst*d have done the opposite of what was intended and has made him cringe away from even watching coverage on DVR.

The inordinate focus on amateur player Curtis Rystadt and his relentless antics on Day 5 were a big turnoff for me as well (literally). Exhibiting all sorts of poor etiquette and cringe-worthy behavior — none of it terribly representative of how the great majority of players act at the WSOP — Rystadt was made the center of attention during that week’s shows.

Read: Not Watching Poker

It’s not just these two who have been taking televised poker to task as of late. In case you missed this gem, over on, Steve Ruddock also thinks that the televised poker experience can be improved. Being a constant consumer, he offered up three ideas that he thinks will rejuvenate how people watch poker…like hiding the hole cards until the end.

After having seen countless televised poker shows where we see the hole cards throughout, and now a few live streams where they are revealed at the end, the latter method makes for a much more dramatic broadcast, and allows the viewers to play along at home.

Read: 3 simple ways to improve televised poker

So are you still watching the WSOP and will you stay up late into the night with the November 9 or are you “over it” as well?

(We are and actually think that this year, despite the over-focus on Rystad, is the best it’s been in years thanks to extended coverage of the outer tables!)

(h/t to Kevmath!)

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published 10 years ago • by permalink

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