Daniel Colman Rips Phil Hellmuth, Calls Him “Spineless”,“Cancer To This World”

The media shy Colman, not shy with his opinions.

Daniel “mrgr33n13” Colman absolutely verbally eviscerated 13-time WSOP bracelet winner Phil Hellmuth in a post on Two Plus Two earlier today in response comments made about Hellmuth’s recent appearance on Brian Koppelman’s podcast “The Moment.”

In what looked like a standard thread where Phil’s online critics and supporters simply expressed their longstanding feelings on the polarizing poker player, 2014 One Drop winner and #3 on the All-Time Money List, Daniel Colman, posting under his screen name mrgr33n13, had something to get off his chest.

Its embarrassing that we have to share our profession with whores like this guy. After I win one drop, he immediately comes on stage to shake my hand in front of a camera and congratulate me. As if he’s the gatekeeper to the poker world and welcoming me inside.

It is truly pathetic that a 40 year old would behave the way he does at the table, not to mention how spineless he is, just willing to take any sponsorship regardless of the company’s integrity. Hey, anything for a payday! Really makes me sad to think there’s a chance some people may look up to this charlatan. People of his attitude and character are a cancer to this world.


Those are some strong public words directed at The Poker Brat. “Embarrassing”, “pathetic”, “spineless” and “charlatan.” (that means “fraud”, you guys.). Not to mention being a “cancer on society.” Those sound like some strong, angry words from a guy who does not like being used as a publicity prop—for Hellmuth, who is well-known to do just about anything to get exposure.

Back in July, after Colman won $15M in the One Drop, Hellmuth talked to Bluff Magazine about what he thought about Colman’s indifference to the media and his own role as an inspiration to others:

“My counter argument is that we inspire millions and millions of people, everybody knows this, its not just Phil going off. Think about it; Tiger Woods inspires people, Lebron James inspires people… you look at me and think, ‘wow, look what he’s doing…’ I inspire people. So, I think it’s good for poker when we inspire people, and its good for poker when we let people into our lives,” said Hellmuth.

No idea if Hellmuth has seen Colman’s comments and we seriously doubt if he ever does that he will care, right? (Update: he DID hear and it DID hurt him) Apparently, Hellmuth has inspired Colman as well…just not in the traditional sense of the word.

Of course, you may recall, this isn’t the first time Colman has spoken his mind. It wasn’t that long ago that he opened up and basically called Tom Dwan a scammer.

Want to see the rest of the thread and the reaction he receives? Just go over to Two Plus Two and check it out. If you want to listen to Hellmuth’s interview on Koppelman’s Grantland podcast, we’ve got that for you too.

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published 10 years, 3 months ago • by permalink

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