Matt Savage – Just F***in’ With You Fools

Stars align for Savage to mess with his followers.

The inagural World Poker Tour Rolling Thunder from the Thunder Valley Casino just outside of Sacramento is considered a success. With nearly 500 runners, the $3500 buy-in tournament is steamrolling to a final table and while there’s a few big names left in the field of 24 – including Michael Rocco, JC Tran and Ryan D’Angelo perhaps no name is bigger than that of Michael Crabtree.

Wait! You mean the talented San Francisco 49er receiver that Seattle Seahawks Richard Sherman clowned on in the NFC Championship game this past year is top 10 in chips and headed for a WPT Final Table?

Psyche! Fun loving Tournament Director Matt Savage is, once again crying wolf and trolling the world as there is a Michael Crabtree still in the tournament, but alas:

Don’t let that stop you from following poker’s Michael Crabtree and the rest of the field of 24 as they play down to a final table today starting at 12:00pm PST.

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call the Virginia Council on Problem Gambling (VACPG) helpline at 1-888-532-3500
published 10 years, 11 months ago • by permalink

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