The Important Opposition To Poker’s Shot Clock

Marvin Rettenmaier speaks out, but Matt Savage may be its undoing.

Late last week many had taken note of the fact that “Mad” Marvin Rettermaier took the time to blog his opposition to the proposed World Poker Tour shot clock. It’s definitely interesting, as he makes points about it being prohibitive to new players and that 30 seconds is just not enough time. He even cites the fact that even though he’s a notorious time-taker if it were good for the game, he’d “be objective” and be in favor of it.

Read: Marvin Rettenmaier – Why I’m Against Implementing A Shot Clock!

The blog is no surprise, right? He’s been the poster child for the 20% who were opposed on day one when he Tweeted his ballot plainly stating his opposition.

Here’s what we did find surprising: Matt Savage is against it too.

That’s right Matt Savage. The tournament director of the LAPC, the very tournament where the ballot was given out. The founder of the Tournament Directors Association and last, but certainly not least – especially in this case, the Executive Tour Director for the World Poker Tour itself.

The Executive Tour Director and the WPT’s #1 Tournament Director is opposed to the very 30 second shot clock that the WPT is considering implementing.

Seems strange that the World Poker Tour, where the “in-no-uncertain-terms” opinion (according to Twitter) of the guy who is basically in charge of running the tour is anti-shot clock, would even throw this out there.

But more over, how do you – as the World Poker Tour – implement a relatively radical new rule without the public support of the Executive Tour Director?

You don’t. If the 30-second, or any, shot clock is going to be utilized, it’s going to need the blessing of Savage (or someone in that position) in order to succeed. That would mean it’s going to have to have a whole host of logistics figured out in order, not just to get to a trial run, but also to get Savage on board. Don’t forget, Savage is a poker player too, so he’s looking at all the angles when it come to adopting a shot clock and right now – he’s against it.

So, if you too are against a WPT shot clock, like Marvin is, we don’t think you need to sweat it too hard just yet. If and when you start to see Savage’s tweets gradually come back around to being agreeable to the idea…then it might have a shot at materializing.

Bonus read (as if you aren’t sick of Shot Clock stuff already): Three Warning Signs That Poker Needs A Shot Clock

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published 10 years, 5 months ago • by permalink

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