UK Poker Pro Blames Poker For Not Paying Child Support

Tony "The Hitman" Hakki wins case against paying for kids.

It seems that UK poker “professional”, Tony “The Hitman” Hakki, isn’t enough of a poker pro to support a family, or even his kids according to a UK court. The ExpressStar reports that long time poker player Hakki was taken to court by his baby mama because he “declines to support his children” and after taking a look at his career on the felt, the three judge Appeals Court let him off the hook.

You see while the mother of his children, Devrise Blair, called Hakki’s professional poker play akin to that of a professional sports player, Hakki argued that poker to him, in fact, was not gainful employment and therefore he shouldn’t have to pay the asked for child support.

While details of the case were sealed, so we don’t know if she was asking for something standard or a sum of that of an athlete, we do know that the court has put to bed this 4-year case.

“ On the facts found I do not consider that it can be said that Mr Hakki had a sufficient organisation in his poker playing to make it amount to a trade (or a business) let alone a profession or a vocation.”

Perhaps the Court of Appeal took a look at Hakki’s Hendon Mob page, where his last recorded tournament cash was in 2012 for about $1k and determined that he was not a professional poker player after all.

Read: Poker player wins court battle

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published 10 years, 9 months ago • by permalink

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