Bad Beat Diaries – Figiel’s Fortuitous WPT Bustout

Montreal man makes first place prize money after busting main event.

This past weekend, during the World Poker Tour Canadian Spring Open at the Playground Poker Club in Montreal, the casino’s $415k Bad Beat Jackpot was hit by a player who had just busted out of the tournament. In what was better-than-perfect timing for Richard Figiel, the WPT entrant busted out of the Main Event on Day 1a and quickly jumped into a $1/$2 cash game when the above photographed hand took place.

Figiel’s quad 7’s were defeated by fellow player Dimitri Morcos' quad 10’s and thus Figiel became the beneficiary of the bulk of the massive Bad Beat Jackpot. Figiel may have lost the meager pot but took home $157,865 for his sick beat – which was just $3134 less than if he played 4 days and WON the Main Event.

Marcos didn’t fare too bad either, pocketing $78,955 for having won the hand. Everyone else dealt in still had an amazing day at the tables as they got to tell their wives they “found” $11,279 in some bushes while “at work.”

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call the Virginia Council on Problem Gambling (VACPG) helpline at 1-888-532-3500
published 10 years, 10 months ago • by permalink

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