PokerStars Loses Small Fortune In Tournament Technical Snafu

Someone forgot to tick the "late entry" box.

There was an unexpected surprise for PokerStars players who jumped into the $200+$15 Sunday Warm-Up yesterday – $260k worth of overlay. Apparently a “technical issue” kept players from being able to late register and, according to the esteemed Joss Wood over at our sister site pokerfuse, once PokerStars closes and event, that ish stays closed.

“PokerStars apologizes for the lack of a late registration period in the Sunday Warm-Up. This was a technical issue, and was not deliberate,” a PokerStars representative told pokerfuse. “PokerStars will honor the guarantee of the event.”

With a scant 1204 players who actually showed up on time, that left roughly $260k that was needed to be ponied up by PokerStars to honor their guarantee. That’s about 3 years worth of the average US family’s yearly income. Pokerfuse points out that when you pull out the registration fees, PokerStars only took a $240k bath, so whatever.

As a general rule, PokerStars needs 2500 runners to meet the guarantee and when they do, they make $37,500 on player fees for running the tournament.

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published 10 years, 10 months ago • by permalink

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