USA Today Warns Poker Players To Wear Protection

5 Tips to keep your online bankroll safe.

As poker slowly works it’s way back into the United States the coverage of its return slowly seeps back into mainstream media. This weekend, the USA Today, the same publication that runs the GPI 300 each week, wrote up a 5 tips guide for post-Black Friday security for those players returning to the digital felt after a long hiatus.

Most are pretty common, and well-known, security measures to keep your computer protected from the multitude of viruses and scammers out there. But with poker players keeping a ton of cash on these sites, it’s a great reminder of how it’s better to be safe than sorry.

1. Select a good software solution

bq.Don’t settle for a basic antivirus program you found for free or already bundled with your operating system.

2. Up the password strength

A strong password is at least seven or eight characters long, has a combination of letters, numbers and symbols and mixes upper and lower cases. It’s also a good idea to avoid real words or phrases.

3. Step one-two

As the name “two-step authentication” suggests, in addition to a standard username and password you’ll also need a code that’s sent usually via text message to your mobile phone, or revealed in an app.

4. Don’t log-in as admin

It’s fairly straightforward to set up a new account outside of admin on your machine, call it Poker, perhaps, and log into this before playing poker.

5. Don’t play in public (hotspots)

Some Wi-Fi networks can appear to be legitimate — like a wireless network called “Hilton” or “McDonald’s” — when in fact it is a fake. Nearby criminals can create rogue networks that often contain the name of the store, hotel or airport, but actually will direct your information to their own computer.

So if you are planning on getting back in the game sooner than later, check out these 5 tips in full over at USA Today.

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call the Virginia Council on Problem Gambling (VACPG) helpline at 1-888-532-3500
published 10 years, 10 months ago • by permalink

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