Is There A Doctor In The House? Doctor Who Gets Poker Dog Treatment

One-of-a-kind painting available for fans of the TV show.

Everyone is familiar with the classic “Dogs Playing Poker” posters, right? Well, a massive fan of the acclaimed Bristish TV show “Doctor Who” opted to give the Doctors a seat in their own game in this 36×24 acrylic painting.

According to technabob, there’s a ton of detail for fanboys to enjoy.

It shows the 4th, 9th, 10th and 11th Doctors all playing a game of poker with a Cyberman, a Dalek and the Master (Anthony Ainley version). It has a lot of nice details, like Van Gogh’s exploding TARDIS painting, playing cards with K-9 on the back, the fez, even the crack in time.

Interested in this item? It’s available on Etsy for a couple buy-ins (only $500)

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published 10 years, 10 months ago • by permalink

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