Dutch Boyd And Two Plus Two’s Mason Malmuth Trade Barbs Out Of Court

"It sucks."

Last week news that a federal appeals court upheld a judgement against professional poker player turned author Dutch Boyd versus poker forum behemoth Two Plus Two. Boyd was, essentially, dinged for cyber squatting the domain name “twoplustwopoker.com” and is now ordered to pay up to the tune of $60k.

Read: Dutch Boyd — Two Plus Two Equals $60,000

Now, Dutch is speaking out for the first time about it with the guys over at Pokerlistings. They interviewed Dutch about his book, which he goes on and on about. before they could get to the question they really wanted to ask – what happened in the case against Two Plus Two. Here’s some excerpts:

It wasn’t really a big surprise. It was really unfortunate. Mason [Malmuth] basically spent a lot of money just to prove a point and stick it in me.

He claims that it was one of up to 500 domains he registered at a time.

As soon as they approached me I offered to give it to them for free.

They ended up suing me after it expired. They had the domain name back and they just felt like spending $40k to prove a point. It was basically a money grab.

Dutch makes it sound like it wasn’t an intentional cyber-squat and then decides to take his shots against Two Plus Two poobah Mason Malmuth.

I didn’t really do anything to Mason. I don’t understand where he’s coming from. I’d always heard he was a reasonable person. It doesn’t really make sense to me to put someone in bankruptcy for the fun of it.

I think there’s something wrong with Mason. I think that he’s got a persecution complex. I don’t really think he has a lot of friends because he thinks that everyone is out to get him. I feel sorry for him, really.

He has a reputation as being someone that doesn’t play well with others.

Malmuth in the meantime had issued his own statement on the recent ruling over at Two Plus Two. The jist of which, as you can imagine, is:

We are very pleased with the Ninth Circuit’s decision and thankful that after several years (and barring any further appeals by Boyd) it looks like this lawsuit is finally over.

Read the full statement: 2+2 Statement: Ninth Circuit Upholds Two Plus Two’s Cybersquatting Judgment Against Dutch Boyd

Upon reading Boyd’s comments though, Mason took a stand on 2p2 and issued a few counter-facts to the history as Boyd described it. You see, according to Malmuth, Boyd didn’t just have a domain name, but there was a site parked on that domain with affiliate ads attached…that means potentially, Boyd was making money.

We discovered the site “www.twoplustwopoker.com” by seeing it on the Internet. It was a substantial site and we don’t know how long it was up. But we do know that it was up during a period of time when affiliate ads, which we didn’t take on “www.twoplustwo.com” because of our legal advice, were quite profitable.

Mason goes on to pick about the interview with Dutch. All the points of which you can check out on his recent post.

While the bulk of the Boyd interview is promotion for his book, they do talk a little about his involvement in the PokerSpot debacle as well as his plans for the upcoming WSOP. It’s certainly worth a read so go to Pokerlistings and check it out:

Read: Dutch Boyd: 'There Are Things in My Book People Won’t Appreciate’

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published 10 years, 4 months ago • by permalink

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