Big Screen Poker Pictures – New Stories Need Telling

Rounders 2? All In Again? The Cincinnati Kids? How about instead of recycling poker films that have already been made Hollywood invest in some new ones. PokerStrategy’s Barry Carter been thinking this very thing and so he’s picked his top 5 poker stories that he feels needs to be brought to the big screen.

A trio of champions, one of the most critically acclaimed poker novels and, perhaps, the biggest poker scandal of all time have made his list. What would make yours?

Here’s Barry’s list: Five poker movies that Hollywood should make

Haven’t seen many movies with poker in it? This is probably about a good a list as you’re going to get of the top 5 best poker movies ever made. Yes, Rounders is number one.

Read: The Best Poker Movies Ever Made

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published 10 years, 8 months ago • by permalink

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