Tyler Morris & Chris Bowen – Texas Twosome Become WSOP National Champion Contenders

Tyler Morris & Chris Bowen - Texas Twosome Become WSOP National Champion Contenders

Everyone likes a good “local boys made good” story. Here’s a quick write up of a couple poker success stories hailing from the small town of Tyler, Texas. With a population of just around 100,000 Tyler, Texas has produced a couple of feel good felt stories that are worth checking out in the latest issue of their local news magazine, In Magazine.

Meet Tyler Morris, 28, a recent World Series of Poker Circuit Champ.

Poker at a high-stakes level involves an exceptional amount of skill, including reading opponents, calculating odds and trying not to make missteps.

“When you get down to these further stages in the tournament, every decision becomes so much more crucial,” he says. “As time rolls on in a tournament, the stakes get higher and you need to make timely decisions and very few, if any, mistakes.”

Meet Chris Bowen, 54, an late blooming poker player and another WSOP Circuit Champ.

“The thing I like best about these poker tournaments is (that) it’s a sport where amateurs can compete with the pros and even though it’s not an even playing field, you still have an opportunity to have success. I can’t think of another sport where that could happen.”

Both will likely be competing for the WSOP National Championship which takes place May 22-24 at the new Bally’s Atlantic City WSOP themed poker room.

Read: Poker Sharks

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call the Virginia Council on Problem Gambling (VACPG) helpline at 1-888-532-3500
published 10 years, 9 months ago • by permalink

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