PLO Prop Bet – “Urubu111” Goes On Super Tilt, Offers Buy Out

Feeling the pressure or looking to stimulate more action?

Last week, we reported about online poker sicko Marcelo “Urubu111” Freire who started his massive 45 day, 500k hand prop bet risking $30k at 2:1. Yesterday, Freire made waves 9 days after the challenge started by trying to buy out of the challenge for 30%.

Read: Prop Bet Madness – Online Sicko 'Urubu111’ Books $30k For 500,000 Hands

He posted on Two Plus Two that he’d had enough.

after 9days, tons of hands, the last thing i want do is think about poker…

i just want have my life back and dont wake up having to play 10k hands eveyr ****ing day.

Despite it being early in the challenge and “Urubu111” still being ahead of pace on hands but running extremely bad, it seemed as if the pressure was getting to him.

by the way, im surprised how hard is this stuff… i thought it was easy money, when people start betting big i was like ''omg donation for me !!! '’. i called busted friends saying then to sell their cars and bet like $10k usd on me, that for sure in 40day they double up their money.

glad they didnt trust me lol.

With the encouragement of the railbirds begging Freire to not give up and his opposition not taking the bait at 30%, the PLO challenge was destined to continue on. In fact, “Urubu111” actually looked to book extra action once he got his second wind…prompting some to think he might have been playing possum.

Such an emotional swing has many people wondering just who Marcelo Freire is. In his own words:

I’m the guy who wake up playing plo 2/4, flip 10k during lunch and go sleep grinding 0.10/0.25

Read: PROP BET: 500k hands in 45days at midstakes [Two Plus Two thread]

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call the Virginia Council on Problem Gambling (VACPG) helpline at 1-888-532-3500
published 10 years, 9 months ago • by permalink

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