Bad Beat Diaries – Playing With The Queen Of Hearts

Same card appears twice in sick suckout.

Bad Beat Diaries - Playing With The Queen Of Hearts

Check this out.

From the World Series of Poker, Christopher Ruby tweeted this photo out today claiming that it’s the hand that crippled him in last night’s Event #37, the $1500 PLO.

Holy shit I busted the 1500 PLO last night set of aces vs set of QQ and took pic for proof. There was 2 Qh!!!!

In the photo it appears that a turned set of Aces gets quaded out on the river when the Queen of Hearts hits…only problem, the Queen of Hearts was also on the flop.

Apparently, he snapped the photo out of disbelief and didn’t take a look at it again until the morning, when he noticed the small detail.

While we have no proof that this photo is legit (despite that is seems authentic), it looks as if the WSOP acknowledged that it could have happened…but it was from last night, no one noticed in the moment and so really there’s nothing to be done.

Bad beat indeed.

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published 10 years, 8 months ago • by permalink

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