Bad Beat Diaries – It’s Never Easy

Kings flop quads, still have to fade.

We’ve all been there: aces cracked. Here’s an interesting hand posted by Rob Yong, the charismatic owner of the UK’s Dusk Til Dawn Casino. Here, in the Sam Trickett Room (the UK’s version of the Ivey Room), Rob gets it all in holding the #1 starting hand (even in the UK where they drive backwards, Aces are still premium) and he runs into Kings.

Will people stop hitting quads against me all in pre flop @Samtrickett1 'a room . Please.

Now, we don’t know exactly how much cash is on the table, but the placards have a value of 1,000 – so it’s a healthy haul for the winner. The sickest part of this hand is that, even having flopped quad kings, Rob turns a sweat card, drawing to the 10d for the straight flush. Indeed, “it’s never easy.”

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call the Virginia Council on Problem Gambling (VACPG) helpline at 1-888-532-3500
published 10 years, 6 months ago • by permalink

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