A Reminder From Tim West – Don’t Be A F***in’ Asshole

Table etiquette still means something.

Die hard fans know Tim West. The Bay Area poker pro who travels the circuit and has grinded his way to over $2.5M in lifetime earnings. If you see Tim (pictured above with Allen Cunningham) at the table he’ll usually have a smile on his face, a SF Giants hat on his head and, from our experience, be happy to be in the midst of a conversation.

Tim West has a message for some of his fellow pros: stop being f**in’ assholes*.

It’s an argument that many have made – etiquette at the table makes a big difference when it comes to the enjoyment aspect of the game. It’s a simple concept: If you are a player that enjoys playing with recreational players that you may have an edge over, then don’t be a dick.

Tim won’t name names (we asked) but it’s a message he feels strongly about so he let his feelings be heard.

This is easy to get behind. He’s not spewing some kind of soapbox-preacher, way-to-live-your-life rhetoric. He seemingly just got fed up with some fellow “pros” acting superior at the table making the game unenjoyable and maybe killing his action.

It’s as if someone forgot that how you play poker is of little reflection of who you are in life. Being good at the game doesn’t make you a better person off-the-felt, it doesn’t make your views any more correct, or give you license to be a prick. So, please don’t do it.

(Not that any readers of F5poker would be pricks!)

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call the Virginia Council on Problem Gambling (VACPG) helpline at 1-888-532-3500
published 10 years, 6 months ago • by permalink

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