Mike “Timex” McDonald – The Pros Can’t Read His Poker Face

PokerStars asks which pro emotes the least.

Which of the top pros can really lock it in while in the middle of a hand? PokerStars asks a few top pros which players, in their opinion, have the best (and worst) poker face.

See what Daniel Negreanu, Vanessa Selbst, Liv Boeree and more have to say about which pros can keep their emotions in check, which ones can’t and who has the most unnerving staredown in the game.

(spoiler: it’s Timex)

Bonus PokerStars video: Check out the latest promo for the upcoming made-for-tv single table tournament The Shark Cage where getting bluffed will leave you both embarrassed and humiliated.

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published 10 years, 5 months ago • by permalink

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