Liv Boeree Promotes Rational Thinking But Not Rational Group

In a recent article in The Independent, PokerStars Sponsored Pro, Liv Boeree was asked what she would do if she were Prime Minister for a day.

“I would make classes in rational decision-making a compulsory part of the national curriculum,” she wrote. She went on to clarify, “Rational decision-making in this context means finding the strategies that generate the best solutions for as many as possible.”

She then went on to explain how not emphasizing rational decision-making has led civilization to resist change that eventually led to the “abolition of slavery and women’s right to vote.” Well done Liv!

Oddly enough, what she didn’t do was promote her sponsor. There was no mention in the article of Liv being sponsored by PokerStars. No patch in her picture—not even a mention in her bio, even though it does include her charity organization Raising for Effective Giving.

Maybe she could only choose one organization to mention and was employing some rational decision-making of her own.

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published 9 years, 5 months ago • by permalink

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