Brandon Cantu Makes Some High Profile Enemies via Twitter

So, things are getting hot and heavy (not in a good way) over on Twitter at the moment, stemming from an argument most notably between Brandon Cantu, Shaun Deeb, Jason Mercier and Daniel Weinman.

To summarise the shit storm without getting too bogged down: Phil Hellmuth tweeted that he and Cantu where on a trip and that Cantu had a big chip lead in the HORSE event he was in.

Then, Weinman outed Cantu saying he owed him a $50K debt from 5 years ago that he still hasn’t paid.

Following that, Deeb got in the mix with Cantu which ended up in them sparring over whether Deeb also had a history of slow paying his debtors.

Whilst this is happening, Mercier also gets involved, saying to Cantu that he also needs to pay back his debt to him — Cantu sees red, and then starts slating Mercier, creating a series of hashtags, @ mentions PokerStars and basically calls for Stars to fire Mercier over the fact he was threatening.

Looking at Mercier’s tweets his language was never threatening and seems like Cantu is probably overreacting.

And thats about the size of it. Give or take a tweet or two.

For the full blow by blow account, visit Cantu’s twitter page. It is quite something.

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published 8 years ago • by permalink

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