Watch: The Weekly Burn & Turn

Robbie and Shimi are back delighting viewers with their poker repartee. On this week’s episode, the guys talk a bit about the new heads up poker game, Duel by PokerStars. Robbie actually got a chance to try the game and he shares his thoughts.

The guys also talk about playing poker under the influence, playing tight at the poker table and they introduce the audience to some cool home game variants.

Then of course, they play Name That Pro. Robbie is in the hot seat this week and the clue on the river gives you a real good shot of getting this one, so check it out.

published 8 years, 11 months ago • by permalink

Play Prop Bet, Doppelganger or New Career Featuring Head of Online Poker Bill Rini

Did Bill Rini, Head of Online Poker for, lose a prop bet, or maybe he is pursuing a new career in acting, or maybe that isn’t even him at all in the new Commercial.

We weren’t able to confirm it with Bill, so we decided to ask you to chime in and tell us what you think….Prop Bet, Doppelganger or New Career?

Here is a closeup from the commercial along with Bill’s profile picture on Twitter.

published 8 years, 11 months ago • by permalink