Reddit AMA with Andrew Neeme

Check out this Ask me Anything over on Reddit with Andrew Neeme.

Over the course of 24 hours anyone could write in to Reddit to pose their question to Neeme—who answers everything from poker to vlogging to how to keep a work-life balance.

Check it out if you want to see what he has to say. He give some really detailed answers so it is worth checking it out.

published 6 years, 11 months ago • by permalink

PokerStars Pros Celina Lin & Randy Lew To Tie The Knot

In a recent trip to New Zealand nanonoko popped the question to Celina Lin!

Despite her first answer being No Way! spoiler alert, she actually did said YES!

Congratulations to the pair.

published 6 years, 11 months ago • by permalink

WATCH: 1 Year 1 Million

Unibet ambassadors Espen Uhlen Jorstad and Rauno Tahvonen, along with their housemate Rauno Kiviloo are planning to make €1 million this year from playing poker and using the profits to trade in cryptocurrencies.

To chronical their journey the trio have set up a vlog called “1 Year 1 Million” — you can check out the trailer below.

New episodes will be published every Wednesday and Friday here.

I wonder if they are subscribing to Doug Polk’s new crypto channel?

published 6 years, 11 months ago • by permalink