WATCH: Follow Andrew Neeme As He Takes Us To His Meet Up Game

It’s been a while since we checked in with what Andrew Neeme is doing—but we are just in time to check out his vlog that takes us to his Meet Up Game: Westgate Wednesdays $2/$5NL.

We also get a sneak peak of the Napa Suite—a 1500 square foot of luxury two-bedroom room—that Westgate hooked them up with. Noice.

Keep watching though as when Neeme hits the table it doesn’t take long before his entire chip stack is at risk on a bluff.

published 6 years, 11 months ago • by permalink

Gus Hanson Takes Ex-Friend To Court

Gus “The Great Dane” Hanson headed to court over in Denmark last week as he proves why you shouldn’t mix friendship and business.

The trouble all started back in 2015 when Hansen invested in his friend’s venture—the Danish music festival called, “Denmark the Best”. The project saw Hansen invest large sums of money into the project—in the end, he loaned the project 1.7m Kroner— but upon parting ways with the company in 2016, the balance outstanding to Hansen was never repaid.

According to HihgStakesDB, after “much screaming and shouting” Hansen could not find a way forward with the one-time friend to settle the matter. It resulted in Hansen playing hardball and taking his friend to court.

From Hansen’s Instagram posts, the court is now adjourned and the waiting game as to how things will move forward is afoot.

published 6 years, 11 months ago • by permalink

WATCH: Real Poker Talk With Joey Ingram

Joey Ingram takes to his YouTube channel to talk about when friends and family think you’re a degenerate because you play poker.

Ingram said “In my experience, friends & family only respect results & receipts. If you don’t have anything to show for your poker playing/gambling, you can’t be surprised if people think you’re wasting your life away.”

Check the 10 min video out below.

published 6 years, 11 months ago • by permalink