Random Acts Of Poker Kindness – Ultimate Poker’s Demise Sparks Charitable Giving

'Tis the season...

As the now defunct Ultimate Poker finishes up the business of closing their doors forever, one of the benefits of having a regulated market is that people with money on the site are actually getting paid. No matter how much you have on there.

Reports of players from Nevada receiving emails that their balances are bring returned to them is, of course, welcome news but for many of these Nevada players their balances are nothing to write home about. In fact, they are hardly worth the paper that the check will be made out on.

One such player is respected gaming journalist and former voice of QuadJacks, Marco Valerio. His check – a whopping $0.18. Alone, it’s scrap metal…but if everyone pooled their money could it make a difference?

Within a few hours Marco had pledges from a number of players and even a matching donation of $500 from former Ultimate Poker pro Danielle Andersen.

The idea is a winner and so if you have an outstanding balance from Ultimate Poker headed your way and you’d like to donate that sum – no matter the size – to a worth while cause, Marco is planning on making poker players the good guys, once again, by donating to a worthwhile cause.

Perhaps even Billy Vogel’s Toys for Kids.

Marco has all the contact info on his webpage so you can get in touch. We’re going to guess that, if you didn’t get a balance back from Ultimate Poker and you’d just like to GIVE this season…he won’t be turning away donations. So check it out!

Get involved: Spontaneous Acts Of Poker Kindness

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call the Virginia Council on Problem Gambling (VACPG) helpline at 1-888-532-3500
published 9 years, 10 months ago • by permalink

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