Poker Coach Jared Tendler Goes Mental Over Shot Clocks

Poker mindset coach Jared Tendler teams up with his “Mental Game Of Poker” partner Barry Carter over at Pokerstrategy to delve into the what a proposed WPT would do to the player psyche and to see if it’s a good idea for the game.

During last week’s Los Angeles Poker Classic, the WPT polled the participating players about a potential shot clock to help curb tanking and speed up the game.

With an overwhelming number of players being in favor of it, what would it mean to the game if the WPT actually acts on it? Tendler and Carter seem to feel that it would be yet another distinct advantage for the pros as those who have played the most hands have likely seen all the situations before.

Read: The mental game case for shot clock tournaments

The gut reacts very quickly in a poker hand and the players who have more experience reading their gut, and going with it, can quickly make high level decisions. This is very similar to an athletic reaction, that you’d see during a football match or a basketball game, where athletes make incredible maneuvers to beat a defender. They immediately know what’s right and go with it .

But in terms of it being good for the game, Carter and Tendler seem to agree that it’s a good fit for the really pro heavy events, like WPT Main Events.

In all seriousness, shot clocks have been introduced to many other sports and I can’t think of an example where it hasn’t been for the good of the game. If it makes poker more entertaining then whatever hit some players take, it is a worthy trade off. Ultimately, the good players, live or online, will learn to adapt and figure how to succeed no matter what the format.

What do you think? Can you handle the pressure of a shot clock?

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published 10 years, 10 months ago • by permalink

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