Howard Lederer’s Bull**** Detector On Display

Old email chain surfaces and provides laughs.

With the anticipation of a possible Howard sighting at the 2014 World Series of Poker, people are digging deep to find some of that sweet, sweet Lederer charm to put on display. Of course, SrslySirius made us laugh with the fictitious account of Howard’s rapping prowess but now, courtesy of the super sleuths of Two Plus Two, Howard’s real life provides the chuckles.

Read: Jesus and Howard – The Case For Expulsion

Howard, looking to invite a bunch of his peeps to his “annual barbecue and charity tournament” emailed…pretty much the entire company of Full Tilt, most notably all the pros (if you remember there were a ton). Well, when Celebrity Poker commentator Phil Gordon replied and noted that Howard must have been sweating a bracelet bet with top pro Phil Ivey, Howard replied with the following:

I had to hear a all bullshit today about how he willed his victory. All I saw was a guy getting all in for his last three bets, like ten times and winning every time. I’m sure he played well, but sheesh.

Of course, when he replied to Gordon, he pulled a “freak and very weird dude” moment and hit reply all which means that the email was to hit the IN Box of Ivey too.

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published 10 years, 10 months ago • by permalink

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