Brain Games – Can The “Gambling Instinct” Lead To Better Learning?

Uncertain outcomes tend to stimulate the brain.

“No gamble, no future” – degens everywhere.

A leading neuroscientist from the University of Bristol is conducting a study to test his theory that, in a sense, gambling is good for the brain. Dr. Paul Howard-Jones, the leader of the study, would like to see if he can take the same instinct that casinos tap into and bring it into the classroom by adding an element of chance to his lessons, stimulate the brain and help significantly boost learning.

According to Dr. Howard-Jones, his research has already shown that uncertain results helps stimulate the brain.

“It is thought we evolved that way because it encourages us towards tasks that are more uncertain,” Dr Howard-Jones said. “If we are totally confident of what is going to happen we are less interested, but if the odds are 50-50 then we tend to be more interested in taking part. It is something that has been exploited by casinos for years.”

The study will take place over 81 schools, 12K+ students and span through 2017.

Maybe the phrase should be “some gamble, bright future.”

Read more: Gambling instinct could boost learning, says leading neuroscientist

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call the Virginia Council on Problem Gambling (VACPG) helpline at 1-888-532-3500
published 9 years, 7 months ago • by permalink

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