Have you ever wished you could ask Hellmuth, Esfandiari or Negreanu anything?

Well, Poker Central is giving you that chance.

The latest competition from Poker Central is giving you the chance to win a phone call with either Phil Hellmuth, Antonio Esfandiari or Daniel Negreanu. All you have to do is post a short video, photo or text including #AskThePokerPros asking them an interesting or unusual question.

The contest will last 3 weeks, and will be divided into 3 weekly parts:

  • Week 1: Winner receives a call from Phil Hellmuth. Entries should be submitted July 6-12
  • Week 2: Winner receives a call from Antonio Esfandiari. Entries submitted by July 13-19
  • Week 3: Winner receives a call from Daniel Negreanu. Entries submitted by July 20-26

So far it looks like the questions for Hellmuth are being kept very pc with nothing controversial being asked…but it does say you can ask them anything.

Think you can do better? You can enter via their contest page or through Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #AskThePokerPros.

You can check out all the rules here.

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call the Virginia Council on Problem Gambling (VACPG) helpline at 1-888-532-3500
published 8 years, 7 months ago • by permalink

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