Getting “Halled” Over the Coals

A tweet made by the much maligned Cate Hall blew up on Friday when she posted a tweet about the WSOP Main Event broadcast and why women only make up 4% of the playing field. Then out came the trolls and naysayers hauling Cate over the coals for her post.

In the end the conversation was derailed into “women belong in the kitchen” jokes and although Hall can hold her own when it comes to a twitter fight, I feel for her. It seems people just love to hate her, or love to hate her views, which seems unfair.

If Halls views are so polarising I’m sure the “unfollow” button on Twitter works and can be used.

Oh and then there is a weird analogy about sewing and poker.

I thought it has been a little too quiet recently on Twitter.

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published 8 years, 4 months ago • by permalink

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