PokerStars Is Working on Another Novelty Variant called DeepWater Hold’em

When PokerStars told us that they are “building a portfolio of games,” they weren’t kidding.

After launching several new cash game variants in 2018 (thin brag: our sister site pokerfuse exclusively revealed each of the cash game variants ahead of their launch), it seems that PokerStars will continue this trend and launch more new variants this year.

Pokerfuse has already uncovered Split Omaha double boarded Omaha game that could make its debut any day (unless we are getting fooled by PokerStars).

We also discovered UFC themed Spin & Gos that could perhaps be more a promotion rather than a new Spin & Go type variant.

And now we have reason to believe that PokerStars could launch DeepWater Hold’em somewhere in the near future.

Even after giving hours of deep thoughts we couldn’t figure out what this game could be or when will it launch. Indeed, it may never surface out of private testing.

Tell us what you think of DeepWater Hold’em.

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published 5 years, 10 months ago • by permalink

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