Matt Savage Introduces ‘Savage Average,’ New Tournament Blind Structure

The novel concept will keep the average stack at 50 big blinds at all times and will do away with timed blind levels.

The world of poker is constantly evolving, and it is people like the WPT Executive Tournament Director Matt Savage who often spearhead these changes. Savage has once again caught the interest of the poker public after introducing ‘Savage Average,’ a fresh and innovative blind structure for poker tournaments.

In a current setup, tournament blind levels are usually timed, increasing after a certain time interval. The new system proposes that, instead, blinds increase as players get eliminated, where the average stack constantly remains at 50 big blinds.

According to pokerfuse, the new concept will have its test run in March at Thunder Valley Casino in Lincoln. The $570 buy-in event will take place during the WPT Rolling Thunder festival, and it will feature a fairly generous guarantee of $50,000.

The ‘Savage Average’ has created some discussion in the poker community, with some praising the idea but some also approaching it with caution, expressing concerns that this approach could lead to overly cautious play and prolong the duration of events.

Like with any other new idea, we will have a much better understanding once we see how it performs in a real-life setting. Depending on what happens in March, we might see this concept adopted by more venues and eventually become a new standard for tournament poker or at least find its place on the schedules of major poker festivals in the future.

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published 1 year, 1 month ago • by permalink

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