2017: The Year of The Durrrr Challenge?

It looks like 2017 might be the year that Tom “Durrrr” Dwan and Daniel “Jungelman” Cates can resurrect the Durrrr Challenge.

Dwan is losing to Cates by $1,251,059.00 with 30,665 hands remaining.

Doug Polk — who recently said that The Durrrr Challenge was a the largest scam in poker history — took to Twitter to remind everyone of his feelings on the matter.

But Cates actually replied shedding some new light on the matter:

Rumours of the pair working out an arrangement to play their final hands have been rumbling on for years.

Three years ago Dwan told Bluff media in an interview: “I would like to play it now but I have other stuff going on. I don’t know. I mean, we don’t even have the hands from Full Tilt which is ridiculous…(they didn’t even put up a page?)...but I have another, more pressing issue with him, so…”

Only last week, F5poker reported that Paul Phua, who frequents some of the biggest cash game in the world, has now officially launched his poker training site and seems to have none other than the reclusive Dwan as a poster boy for the site.

As Dwan seems to be crawling back into the limelight hopefully there will be closure this year for Cates and everyone who placed a bet on the challenge.

I must say though, Cates always seems to comment on the matter in very polite termseven in a recent Reddit AMA when asked about the status of the challenge Cate’s said: “Tom’s dad is sick and he is in New Jersey with him, later we will discuss how to proceed…”

Don’t know anything about The Durrrr Challenge? Read more here.

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published 8 years, 1 month ago • by permalink

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