Jason Koon on Credit Card Roulette, Tom Dwan’s $2 Million Bad Beat and More

Poker Stories is a new podcast series from CardPlayer — giving you insight into some of pokers best players and personalities on the circuit with informal laid back interviews.

In the latest episode, Jason Koon talks Tom Dwan’s $2 million bad beat (although nothing can be as bad as Jungleman’s story of Dwan losing $20 million in Macau), credit card roulette in the PCA, a high speed police chase, track and field injuries, an $800k pot and why modern country music is terrible.

You can also check out CardPlayer’s first interview in the series with Jesse Sylvia below.

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call the Virginia Council on Problem Gambling (VACPG) helpline at 1-888-532-3500
published 8 years ago • by permalink

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