Run it Once Finally Has Resizable Tables!

Run it Once Poker has just released a product update that addresses one of the top bugbears bothering players ever since the the online poker room first launched—tables than can be resized.

No more squinting at your Ultra HD display; no more crowding trying to tile a dozen tables at once. Check it out in all its glory:

Along with this long-awaited feature, the release notes say that it has hotkey improvements and other fixes and changes. Your software should automatically upgrade next time you open it.

Next on the todo list are a couple of biggies: sit and go’s and mobile. But there are indications that there’s forward progress on these items too. Watch this space!

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call the Virginia Council on Problem Gambling (VACPG) helpline at 1-888-532-3500
published 5 years, 6 months ago • by permalink

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