The Orbit Visits with Gross, Little, and Burton

Robbie Strazynski's round-table vodcast brings the Flow from Jeff Gross and nuggets of wisdom from the creator of The Drawing Dead

The Orbit is an innovative round-table vodcast show from the mind of Cardplayer Lifestyle owner Robbie Strazynski. Earlier this month, the Riffld produced vodcast released its 13th episode with some fascinating talent from the poker world on hand to chat with Strazynski.

In the latest episode, Strazynski is joined by US tournament grinder Jonathan Little, creator of The Flow poker stream and former Professional Best Friend Jeff Gross, and the brains behind the most innovative vodcast in the poker world right now Jaman Burton. While the show typically features premiere guests from the poker world, the topic matter can be quite wide-ranging.

In one segment, Burton, the creator of The Drawing Dead, talks about how the World Series of Poker experience is different when you live in Las Vegas. Especially for a vlogger like Burton, enjoying the game and getting enough raw content for later vlog editing can be a challenge on a rushed schedule.

When he lived away from Vegas, and travelled to the city for WSOP action, he was forced to budget his time a lot more to make sure he got the full experience. However, having moved to Vegas, Burton now wonders if that might encourage him to end sessions and days early rather than trying to grind every moment for profit and content.

It’s an interesting discussion within a wider WSOP discussion with all the guests, and well worth the watch. Catch The Orbit at home at the best Twitch poker URL possible,, or on the Riffld Productions YouTube channel.

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call the Virginia Council on Problem Gambling (VACPG) helpline at 1-888-532-3500
published 3 years, 4 months ago • by permalink

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