Jason Mercier Leaves PokerStars

After the announcement of Vanessa Selbts, retiring from poker and Felipe Ramos parting company with PokerStars, Jason Mercier has also announced he is leaving the online poker operator as a sponsored pro.

Although not retiring from poker (Mercier still plans to grind it out in Florida, the WSOP and head to the PCA next year) he is paring back on his travel schedule citing becoming a husband and father as the main reasons for his decision to not renew his contract with Stars.

You can read Mercier’s open letter as to why he is leaving PokerStars over on the PokerStars Blog, here.

published 7 years, 1 month ago • by permalink

Behind The Scenes Interview with The Poker Consultant on Molly’s Game

Molly Bloom

Robbie Strazynski at Card Player Lifestyle did some super sleuthing to bring us all an exclusive interview with the poker consultant on Aaron Sorkin’s directorial debut, Molly’s Game, Josh Leichner.

The interview touches on how Leichner, who is relatively unknown in mainstream poker cirlces, landed a gig on what can be considered one of the best poker films since Rounders.

The interview touches on his day to day tasks which included working with the props team, script supervisor as well as “organizing boot camps with a poker table and supplies to gauge actors’ abilities.”

Leichner also talks about some hands in the film which have been criticized by the likes of Jennifer Tilly and Mike Sexton.

Read Robbie’s full interview with Leichner here, it really is great!

For more reading on the woman behind the myth you can read “How Molly Bloom went from 'poker princess’ to the 'movie heroine’ of 'Molly’s Game’” over on the LA Times here.

Or check out:

You can also read the Rolling Stone’s article on “'Molly’s Game’: How Aaron Sorkin Bet the Farm on Poker-Queen Biopic – and Won” here.

published 7 years, 1 month ago • by permalink

Director of Molly’s Game Aaron Sorkin on the World Series of Poker

He might have directed and written the screenplay for what could possibly be the best poker movie since Rounders, Molly’s Game, but Aaron Sorkin is no poker fan.

In an interview with Rolling Stone Sorkin said:

“My TV is permanently tuned to ESPN, so you can’t help but trip over the World Series of Poker every so often,” he says. “And it is the Worst. Spectator. Sport. Ever. I’ve tried watching a few minutes of it – even while I was writing this movie, which is when it would have been the most useful to me – and it’s the exact opposite of 'You can’t take your eyes off it.’ You can’t keep your eyes ON IT! Because I don’t want any of these guys in their Member’s Only jackets and bad sunglasses and backwards baseball caps to go home with any money. I’m not rooting for anybody. Is there a way the waitress can win instead?!”

You can read the full interview over on Rolling Stone here.

published 7 years, 1 month ago • by permalink

Felipe Ramos Parts Ways with PokerStars

He may not be as high profile as Vanessa Selbst, but PokerStars loses another Team Pro this month as Brazilian poker pro and South American number #1 ranked player Felipe Ramos also parts ways with the operator.

In a series of tweets Ramos alludes to not being able to reach a new agreement with PokerStars and how he will always be an ambassador for the game despite, at present, not being signed to anyone.

We are sure 2018 will be as successful for Ramos as the past one and wish him all the best moving forward.

published 7 years, 1 month ago • by permalink